
Curriculum Vitaé

Jeffrey W. Bulger, Ph.D.





Department of Medical Education, Innovation and Humanities

333 Green Bay Road

North Chicago, IL 60064-3095

(224) 507-8222


Ph.D. Philosophy - Biomedical Ethics

M.A. Religious Studies

B.S. Engineering


* Biomedical Ethics                               

* Policy Analysis

* Ethics: Theoretical & Applied

* Clinical Ethics Consultation

* Health Care Education Programs

* Research - Medical Ethics

* Bioethical Trends and Issues

* Program Development

* Program Oversight

* Program Design

* Program Assessment

* Institutional Review Board: IRB

* Professional Development

* Program Implementation

* Curriculum Revision

* Curriculum Development

* LCME Accreditation

* Cultural & Ethnic Diversity  

* Budgeting Processes

* Executive Administration

* Peer Review Research

* Faculty Recruitment

* Online Education

* Innovative Teaching Techniques

* Pedagogical Technologies

* Website Development

* Website Maintenance

* Student, Faculty Assessment

* Learning Management Systems

* Learning Success & Retention

* Mentoring - 50 NCUR

* Diversity of Learning Styles

* Learning Assessment Outcomes

20 years teaching 32 different course topics, exemplary student ratings, student mentoring, student; satisfaction, success, and retention.

Testimonial: I have just finished your Ethics and Values class and took the final exam this morning. I just wanted to let you know that this was the most interesting, life-learning, most valuable class that I have taken so far in my college career. Thank you for making it so interesting and a great experience! I had a great time with it.” Bobby Lynn Albright


* Ph.D. in Philosophy with a concentration in: Biomedical Ethics, Clinical Ethics, Policy Analysis, Human Rights, Social Political Philosophy, Health Care Education, and Online Pedagogical Course Development; M.A. Religious Studies; B.S. Engineering. 

Teaching, Service, and Research has always been implemented in order to managed initiatives to promote patient rights and liberties as evidenced by well informed decision-making, and to cultivate student, and heath-care professional satisfaction, success and retention through the use of innovative pedagogical approaches, computer technology, and mentoring.

* TEACHING: Taught a variety of face-to-face, blended, and online courses and special programs, hallmarked by exceptional success as evidenced by Student Ratings of Instructor and Student Learning Outcomes. Sensitive to socio-economic, academic, cultural, LGBT and ethnic diversity within the educational, health-care, clinical, and patient population and I have an understanding of physical and/or learning disabilities and differences in learning styles. Mentored 50 students who successfully competed in the academically peer reviewed National Conference of Undergraduate Research - NCUR.

* SERIVICE: Service on clinical, educational and research institutional governance committees helping to coordinate and develop administrative policies in full compliance with institutional mission and with all federal, state and institutional regulations and policies. I have also actively served on community hospital ethics committees teaching and collaborating with health-care professionals and administration for the advancement of advisory decision-making processes and outcomes.

* RESEARCH: Research and publications have ranged from the writing of Biomedical ethics course textbooks, courses, and online course delivery to a variety of academic papers. Along with my clinical ethics consultations, multi-disciplinary educational programs, and interdisciplinary collaboration, my current clinical and organizational ethics research will be: “What are the necessary and sufficient conditions and responsibilities for categorizing shared decision-making as being a valid informed consent, and how do those necessary and sufficient conditions and responsibilities differ for the patient, the institution, and public policy?”



* Creation, migration and implementation of online/hybrid courses and programs as based on cognitive science and experiential learning principles that have empirically shown the maximization of teaching and learning excellence as made evidenced by student engagement, success, and retention. 

* Collaboratively work in the planning, implementation, managing, and evaluation of online programs for the purpose of exemplary online learning and innovative teaching and learning advancement. 

* Instructional design and development, program marketing, scheduling, and utilization of distance learning technologies that are appropriate for respective subject areas, and for meeting the needs of a broad and diverse multicultural worldwide population. 



1. Wrote and published with McGraw-Hill an eight volume monograph, nationally peered reviewed text: Moral Philosophy: A Theoretical and Practical Approach to Moral Decision-Making, 1,100 pages, copyright 2015, ISBN: 1259234460, along with a complementary Canvas/Connect LMS, for on-line DE courses.

2. Designed, built, and put online, Fall 2015



Ph.D. Philosophy—Biomedical Ethics, Clinical Ethics, Policy Analysis, Human Rights, Social Political Philosophy, Health Care Education, and Online Pedagogical Course Development, University of Tennessee—Knoxville, 1994

Dissertation: Informed Consent And Rawls’s “Political” Theory Of Justice, 1994 Committee: Glenn C. Graber—Chair, Richard E. Aquila, George G. Brenkert, and Charles H. Reynolds. Designed, created and implemented online Mac/PC LMS named Dr.Ethics.

M.A. Religious Studies, Western Seminary—Portland, 1986

B.S. Engineering, University of North Dakota—Grand Forks, 1981



I. Director for Bioethics and Humanities & [Professor], Medical Humanities Innovation & Humanities (MEIH), Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science—North Chicago

1. Biomedical Ethics - Core - M1

2. Biomedical Ethics - Sophomore Elective - M2

3. Biomedical Ethics - Senior Elective - M4

II.    Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor, Utah Valley University—Orem

4. Biomedical Ethics

5. Moral Philosophy

6. Ethics and Values

7. Ethics & Values Hybrid Course

8. Mill’s Utilitarianism and Liberty

9. Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals

10. Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

11. Modern and Contemporary Philosophy

12. Business Ethics

13. Introduction to Philosophy

14. World Religions

15. Astronomy (Designed, created, and implemented an online and hybrid Astronomy course using Front Page for LMS)

16. Independent Study

III.    Lecturer, California State University—Chico

17.    Biomedical Ethics

18.    Critical Thinking—Logic

19.    Personal Values

20.    Science and Modern Culture

IV.    Assistant Professor, Stetson University—DeLand, FL

21. Bioethics

22. Symbolic Logic—(taught in the classroom and with computers)

23. Philosophy of Science

24. Varieties of Ethical Theory

25. Applied Ethics

26. Environmental Ethics

27. Independent Study in Ethics

V.    Teaching Associate, University of Tennessee—Knoxville

28.    Introduction to Philosophy 1010, (epistemology, philosophy of mind, justice)

29.    Introduction to Philosophy 1020, (metaphysics, god, ethics, justice)

30.    University Studies & Microbiology, (HIV)

VI.    Adjunct Faculty, Pellissippi State College—Knoxville

31.    Introduction to Philosophy

32.    Business Ethics



Plato’s Press - Director

1. Designed, created, and implemented an online and hybrid BioEthics course, (Published McGraw-Hill, 2015)

2. Designed, created, and implemented an online and hybrid Ethics & Values course, (Published McGraw-Hill, 2015) Designed, created, and implemented online pdf LMS

3. Authored 8 volume monograph, MORAL PHILOSOPHY: A Theoretical and Practical Approach to Moral Decision-Making, 1,100 pp., Published McGraw-Hill, 2015

4. Designed, created, and implemented online pdf LMS RED BOOK: Is The Human Subject Exempt From IRB Purview? - Professional Compliance LMS (Ready for publishing)

5. Designed, created, and implemented online pdf LMS GREEN BOOK: Am I Engaged in Human Subject Research According To CFR? - Professional Compliance LMS (Ready for publishing)

6. Designed, created, and implemented online pdf LMS BLUE BOOK: Do I Need to Get Informed Consent According to CFR? - Professional Compliance LMS (Ready for publishing)



1. Faculty Fellowship, Utah Valley University

2. Sabbatical Leave, Utah Valley University





26th    National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at University of Wisconsin

1. Sasha Wakefield: Morality vs. Immorality of Animal Drug Testing

7th Annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research UCUR, Utah State University, Logan, Utah

1. Michael M. Washburn: Biting the Hand That Feeds You: Why Economic and Political Aggression Towards Organized Labor Is Unethical and Damages The Economy

25th National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at Ithaca College, New York

1.     Autumn Lilly-Harari: Veganism, Principlism and the National School Lunch Program.

2.     Karleigh Ellsworth: From Ana and Mia With Love: The Effects of Pro-Anorexia and Pro-Bulimia Websites.

24th National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at The University of Montana, Missoula

1.     Amanda Putman: No Exercised Autonomy on Food Choices

2.     Christopher Nelson: Food Fads

3.     Pat Runyan: Colony Collapse Disorder: The Extinction of the Honeybee and its Implications on Mankind

23rd Annual NCUR meeting University of Wisconsin, La Cross, Wisconsin

1.    Arthur VanValkenburg: Threatening Treatment

2.    Chad Howz: Principles Gone to Pot

3.    Charles Broadbent: What’s in Your Plastics? A Principlist Approach to Bisphenol A

4.    James Fuqua: The Mapped Human Genome: Pandora’s Box?

5.    Kyle Bowler: Patient Assisted Suicide

6.    Zackary Weber: Insurance Providers versus The Patient:  The Violation of the Biomedical Ethical Principles Protecting the Patient.

3rd Annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research UCUR, Hosted by Westminster College, Salt Lake City

1. Caitlin Anderson: Caution: This Paper Is Composed Primarily Of Soy; An Ethical Look At The Use of The Soybean In America

2. LeAnne Tolley: Lights, Cam Action: A Foundation for Physicians of Finesse

3. Craig L. Bounous: Principlism Applied to the Military’s Responsibility of Care

4. Chad Howse: Marijuana and Morality

5. C. Steven Broadbent: What’s in Your Plastics? A Principlist Approach to Bisphenol A

22nd Annual NCUR meeting Salisbury University in Salisbury, Maryland

1.    Whitney May: Circumcision In Today’s Society

2.    Miguel Arturo Saldana: Socialized Medicine: Healthcare For All

3.    Richard Cook: Animal Testing and Principlism in BioMedical Ethics

4.    Craig Bounous: Principlism Applied To The Military’s Responsibility Of Care

2nd Annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research UCUR, co-hosted by BYU and UVU at Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah

1. UCUR Whitney May: Circumcision in Today’s Society

Annual Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah, (Each student received a $100 stipend)

1.     J. Eric Gentile: Clinton v Obama v McCain on Healthcare Issues from a Principlistic Approach

2.     Mitchel Martin: Circumcision is Wacked, Keep His Manhood Intact

3.     Chad Howze: Marijuana and Morality

4.     James B. Fuqua: The Mapped Human Genome: Pandora’s Box?

5.     Seth Wright: Healthcare: A Duty to All?

6.     Jake Spencer: Is it okay to smoke with young children in the car?

7.     Sylvia Bentley: Gene Therapy: Capitalism or just classism

8.     Adam K. Gibbons: Surrogate Decision Making

21st National Conference on Undergraduate Research NCUR, Dominican University of California

1.    Austin Miller: The Historical Oath

19th  National Conference on Undergraduate Research NCUR, Virginia Military Institute and Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA

1.    Lyndee Litchfield:  Doctrine of Right in the War with Iraq

2.    Arron Medford:  The Philosophy of sales from a Kantian Perspective

3.    Arron Medford:  Circumcision

4.    Damon MacArthur: Kantian Ethics and the Morality of Terrorism

5.    Jeffrey Barth: The Democratic Liberty of Iraq

6.    Jake Pead: Immanuel Kant and Global Warming Measures

7.    Samuel Harrison: Immanuel Kant & The Destruction of Theocratic Governments

8.    Trevor W. Hill:  Land Acquisition and Ownership in Restricted area of Mexico

9.    Ryan Albrecht:    Liberation for the oppressed

10. Ryan Albrecht:    Women and Social Reform in Boston

18th  National Conference on Undergraduate Research NCUR, Lafayette, Easton, PA

1.    Jared Sumsion: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

2.    Ray E. Webb: Aquinas Supports The Weed

3.    Rebeka Dewey: The Right to Die: Six Criticisms Against the Creation of Living Wills 

17th  National Conference on Undergraduate Research NCUR, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

1.    Sam Taylor: Ticking Bombs and Truth Serums: Ethics and Interrogation at Guantanamo Bay

2.    Spencer Gale: NOTA HHS HRSA OSP DoT OAB URREA UNOS OPTN: The Transplant Organization And How It Works For The Patient

3.    Swen Swenson: The Truth About Therapeutic Cloning

4.    Julie Johnson: Elective Fetal Tissue Research



1. Moral Philosophy: A Theoretical and Practical Approach to Moral Decision-Making, (1100 pp. original monograph work) combined with Canvas course that includes original videos, 50 quizzes, 7 exams, 1,000 question test bank, weekly assessments, discussions, etc., McGraw-Hill, 2015

2. An Approach Towards Applying Principlism, Ethics & Medicine

Principlism, Teaching Ethics, Volume 8, Number 1

3. Medical Marijuana Analyzed Using Principlism: Teaching Ethics, Volume 8, Number 1

4. Five entries in The Encyclopedic Dictionary on Globalization, published in both English and Russian. The Encyclopedia has won the “Book of the Year” award for the 16th Moscow International Book Exhibition and Fair. Presented the award at the International Book Fair in Frankfurt. 

Entries included:

a. Altruism: Altruistic and Psychological,

b. Egoism: Ethical and Psychological,

c. Determinism: Hard, Soft, and Indeterminism,

d. Utilitarianism: Act, and Rule,

e. Moral Universalizability: Kant and Mill

5. Applied Ethics: An Oxymoron, published in the Russian Philosophical Journal, Volume 3, (ISBN 1606-6251)

6. Applied Ethics: A Categorical Mistake, Ethics Across The Curriculum Proceedings

7. A Model Of Human Decision Making, The Russian Philosophical Society

8. The Synergistic Coherent Model of Human Decision Making, Academy’s Journal, Encyclia

9. Assisted Suicide and the Fourteenth Amendment, Joint Bioethics Committee, Bioethics Bulletin

10. Autonomy In a Liberal Society, American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine



1. Medical Grand Rounds, Justice: Political Ideologies and Healthcare Allocation Policies, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science 

2. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities.  Lack of Knowledge in Philosophy Departments: Is it Professional Negligence?, unable to attend because of funding.

3. Invited to present paper at the Russian Philosophical Congress, Nijni Novgorod, Russia, unable to attend because of funding.

4. Faculty Fellowship Keynote Address: Honeybee Democracy, Utah Valley University

5. The Ethics of Food Production, Utah Valley University

6. Food Systems: A Significant Threat, Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society (AFHVS), Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN), Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

7. Food Systems: Principlism, Philosophy Department, Utah Valley University

8. Pegasus Exists and Incommensurable Beliefs, Philosophy Department, Utah Valley University

9. Living Wills and Durable Power of Attorney, Bioethics Committee for Timpanogos Hospital, Orem

10. Mathematics as Intersubjective Agreements and the Impossibility of Transcending Human Subjectivity, Mathematics Department, Utah Valley University

11. Justice, Bioethics Committee for Timpanogos Hospital, Orem

12. Medicinal Use of Marijuana, Utah Valley University

13. Stem Cell Research, Utah Valley University

14. Beneficence and Nonmaleficence, Bioethics Committee for Timpanogos Hospital, Orem

15. Autonomy, Bioethics Committee for Timpanogos Hospital, Orem

16. History/Evolution of Biomedical Ethics, Bioethics Committee for Timpanogos Hospital

17. The Political Spectrum and the Bush Administration, Philosophy and the Ethics of Business: Education, Theory and Practice, Moscow, International University Kuntsevo Campus

18. Social Political Philosophy and the Health-Care Industry, Community Nursing Services, Orem

19. Civil Law and the Fetus, Third Annual Medical Ethics Symposium: Moral Dimensions of Reproductive Choices, Utah Valley University

20. Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals, Philosophy Colloquium, UVU

21. Morality As Natural Selection, Philosophy Colloquium, UVU

22. How We Teach Philosophy In the United States, President of the Russian Philosophical Society, Moscow

23. John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism, President of the Russian Philosophical Society, Moscow

24. Applied Ethics: An Oxymoron, President of the Russian Philosophical Society, Moscow

25. Kant’s Metaphysics of Moral, President of the Russian Philosophical Society, Moscow

26. A Darwinian Left, UVU Bookgroup

27. Philosophical View of Russia From an American Point of View, President of the Russian Philosophical Society, Moscow

28. American Philosophers, President of the Russian Philosophical Society, Moscow

29. Teaching Philosophy in America, President of the Russian Philosophical Society, Moscow

30. John Rawls’s Political Liberalism, Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters, BYU, Provo, Utah

31. Humanity Teaching Philosophy, Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, MA

32. A Model Of Human Decision Making, The Russian Philosophical Society, St. Petersburg, Russia

33. The Synergistic Coherent Model of Human Decision Making, Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters, Weber State University—Ogden

34. Aids and Ethics, Utah Valley University

35. Affirmative Action: Pros and Cons, Center For Applied and Professional Ethics—CAPE, California State University—Chico

36. Dr. Ethics™: Computer Assisted Medical Ethics, Florida Philosophical Association, University of Florida, Gainsville

37. John Dewy, University of Tennessee—Knoxville

38. Rawls’s Political Liberalism, University of Tennessee—Knoxville, September

39. Abortion and Fetal Tissue Research, University of Tennessee—Knoxville

40. Dr. Ethics™: Computer Assisted Medical Ethics, Workshop, Annual Convention, Society for Health and Human Values, St. Louis, MO, October

41. Dr. Ethics™: Computer Assisted Medical Ethics, University of Tennessee—Knoxville

42. Diagnostic Testing: The Example of HIV, University of Tennessee—Knoxville

43. Sexual Activity At Lakeshore, Lakeshore Mental Health Institute, Knoxville, TN

44. AIDS Testing at Lakeshore?, Lakeshore Mental Health Institute, Knoxville, TN

45. Tobacco and Treatment, Lakeshore Mental Health Institute, July, Knoxville, TN

46. Drugs and the Patient, Lakeshore Mental Health Institute, June, Knoxville, TN



1. Admissions Committee, Rosalind Franklin University

2. Professionalism Committee, Rosalind Franklin University

3. Institutional Review Board—IRB, Rosalind Franklin University

4. Institutional Review Board—IRB, Utah Valley University

5. Faculty Senator, Utah Valley University

6. Kirk Englehardt Business Ethics Award Committee, Utah Valley University

7. Faculty Senator, Utah Valley University

8. Bioethicist, Bioethics Committee for Timpanogos Hospital, Orem

9. Bioethics Education, Bioethics Committee for Timpanogos Hospital, Orem

10. Faculty Advisor for the Student BioEthics Journal Beneficence, Utah Valley University

11. Institutional Review Board, Utah Valley University

12. Assessment Committee, Utah Valley University

13. Search Committee, Philosophy Faculty, Utah Valley University

14. Academic Outcomes Committee, Utah Valley University

15. Academic Merit Committee, Utah Valley University

16. Chairman of the Ad-Hoc Merit Committee, Utah Valley University

17. Academic Standards Committee, Utah Valley University

18. Search Committee, Philosophy Faculty, Utah Valley University

19. Search Committee, Philosophy Secretary, Utah Valley University

20. Search Committee, Learning Enrichment Faculty, Utah Valley University

21. Department Representative—UVU Strategic Development Planning Committee, Utah Valley University

22. Merit Point Committee, Utah Valley University

23. Community Service Committee, Utah Valley University

24. UVU Substance Abuse Task Force, Utah Valley University

25. Bioethicist, Center of Applied and Professional Ethics—CAPE, California State University

26. Chair, Educational Subcommittee, Enloe Joint Bioethics Committee, Chico, CA

27. Bioethicist, Ethics Committee, Feather River Hospital, Paradise, CA

28. Bioethicist, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, California State University

29. Research Associate, Center For Applied & Professional Ethics—CAPE, University of Tennessee—Knoxville

30. Member—Graduate Student Representative, Medical Ethics Committee, University of Tennessee—Knoxville

31. Chair, Program Committee for AIME/SPE (Society Of Petroleum Engineers), University of North Dakota

32. Vice-Chair, Student Policy Committee, University of North Dakota—Grand Forks



1. Nominated by Chair for “Faculty Excellence Award,” Utah Valley University 

2. Faculty Fellowship, Utah Valley University

3. Sabbatical Leave, Utah Valley University

4. Nominated for Utah Valley University Teacher of the Year Award

5.    Recognition for having High Student Evaluations, Utah Valley University

6.    Outstanding Teacher Award Nominee, University of Tennessee—Knoxville

7.    Outstanding Teacher Award Nominee, University of Tennessee—Knoxville



1. Faculty Advisor for the Ski N’ Shred club

2. Faculty Advisor for the D.J. Productions club

3. Faculty Advisor for Beneficence: The Journal for Bioethical Inquiry

4. Editor, Bioethics Newsletter, Chico Community Hospitals, Chico, CA

5. Editor and Co-creator of the Student Bulletin, Society of Health and Human Values



1. $1000 translation money from Utah Russia for the Encyclopedic Dictionary on Globalization

2. Primary Investigator, Create and Develop an Ethics and Values Internet Course, $7,700

3. Primary Investigator, Create and Develop an Astronomy Internet Course, $7,700, UVU

4.Primary Investigator, Devised a medical ethics expert-system for both Macintosh and IBM platforms, $18,000 tripartite funding:

5. The University of Tennessee Research and Development  Fund, $6,000,

6. The University of Tennessee College of Liberal Arts, $6,000, and

7. The University of Tennessee Department of Philosophy, $6,000

8.    Software grants, $14,000, Apple, Bill Bright Industries, Silicon Beach and Nextpert



1. ASTRONOMY: The Cosmic Journey, Computer Distance Learning Course

2. InterActive Software™, Creator and marketer of DrEthics™—philosophical expert-system for both Macintosh and IBM platforms

3.    MudTech, Research and Development—drilling fluid and petroleum engineering industry, Portland, OR

4.    Venture Innovations, Research and Development—drilling fluid and petroleum engineering industry, Houston, TX

5.    Dresser Industries, Field Engineer—logging oil wells, Cody, WY

6. Geotechnical Engineering Corporation—drilling, sampling and logging soil formations, Minneapolis, MN