On 26 March 1971, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet approved the text of this Oath and ordered that all physicians and graduating medical students take and abide by it. The ruling went into effect 1 June 1971. Distinctive features of this Oath are: (l) the dedication to preventive medicine, and (2) the national requirement that all graduating medical students take this Oath and sign a copy of it.
Having received the high title of physician and beginning a career in the healing arts, I solemnly swear:
to dedicate all my knowledge and all my strength to the care and improvement of human health, to treatment and prevention of disease, and to work conscientiously wherever the interests of the society will require it;
to be always ready to administer medical aid, to treat the patient with care and interest, and to keep professional secrets;
to constantly improve my medical knowledge and diagnostic and therapeutic skill, and to further medical science and the practice of medicine by my own work;
to turn, if the interests of my patients will require it, to my professional colleagues for advice and consultation, and to never refuse myself to give advice or help;
to keep and to develop the beneficial traditions of medicine in my country, to conduct all my actions according to the principles of the Communistic morale, to always keep in mind the high calling of the Soviet physician, and the high responsibility I have to my people and to the Soviet government.
I swear to be faithful to this Oath all my life long.
[Translated by Zenonas Danilevicius. Journal of the American Medical Association 217 (1971): 834. Copyright 1971, American Medical Association. Reprinted with permission.]